Atlantic’s Pre-Purchase Electrical Survey

Atlantic regularly undertakes Pre-Purchase Electrical Surveys on behalf of its clients, including home owners, property management companies and surveyors An electrical survey, which can include either an in-depth examination and testing (see Periodic Electrical Inspection) or a more basic test and visual inspection can both highlight any hidden electrical problems you new prospective property may have. Such problems can prove costly to the new home buyer and most important, a danger to an unsuspecting new occupant. For peace of mind and to secure a greater degree of appreciation of your prospective property’s electrics, an Atlantic pre-purchase electrical survey could prove invaluable.

One of Atlantic’s qualified electricians will check for the following:

  1. The overall condition and correct operation of all the electrical appliances
  2. The general condition of all the lights
  3. The safe operation of all sockets.
  4. The correct functioning of all the hot water & heating controls and thermostats.
  5. Electrical earth bonding.
  6. General installation of all electrical fittings.
  7. The suitability of the existing appliances, fixtures and fittings.
  8. Condition of the main consumer board.
  9. Correct operation of fire alarms where applicable

Feel free to call our office on 020 7736 0303 where our friendly and knowledgeable staff is waiting to take your call.

Thank you for your business and your trust.

“You can call, we can help.”                     Ph: 020 7736 0303

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